Record all information related to your administrative work.

Do not lose time in piles of papers and files for your administrative work, manage them from a single point with Bilimp.
Most businesses still continue to follow up their important and follow-up jobs the old-fashioned way. This leads to time and cost losses in the relevant departments and increases the burden of the work that needs to be followed up.


  • Register your phone and mobile lines and associate these lines with your employees.
  • Register your subscriptions such as water, electricity, natural gas and periodically check payments by adding special reminders to subscriptions. Monitor your business expenses and access information easily.
  • Define new subscription types and track all subscriptions.
  • Create a retrospective archive by inactivating expired subscriptions and scan all contracts and documents and add them to the records.
  • Avoid the hassle of searching for documents and conduct your business faster and more organized.

Letters of Guarantee, Loans, Insurance Policies

  • Record your letters of guarantee with bank, amount and validity period.
  • Enter costs and agency information and monitor your total amount of collateral.
  • Stay on track and manage your financial processes better by entering your bank loans and payment dates.
  • Easily track interest rates, monthly payments and payment tracking.
  • Easily add your insurance policies and keep track of your policies regularly by sending you alerts before their expiration dates.
  • Sort all policies by type and attach policy documents to the system.


Company Documents

Secure your business' important documents and keep track of them on a regular basis.

Identify document types and manage documents by setting authorization levels.

Set expiration dates and receive automatic notifications for expired documents.

Always have easy access to your historical document archive and optimize your document management process.


  • Identify your rental or company vehicles and allocate them to departments.
  • Add insurance, inspection and maintenance records to the system and never miss deadlines by receiving reminders.
  • Attach documents and pictures related to your vehicles and keep the data about your vehicles in an organized manner.
  • Record accidents and traffic fines in the system and automatically calculate the fuel usage from the allocated tasks and deduct the task costs of the vehicles.
  • Make retrospective reviews by seeing the vehicles you have sold or leased in your archive.

Real Estate, Legal Files

  • Register real estate for rent or in your possession.
  • Easily access data about your properties by adding title deeds, location and other documents to the system.
  • Keep track of the properties you rent or lease with their contracts and payments.
  • You can add all your cases and archive hearing dates and documents.
  • You can add parties and litigation costs to the system and never skip deadlines. Thus, you can keep track of the case status and manage your legal processes more effectively.


Regular Payments

  • Record your regular payments such as association and chamber membership and ensure you receive reminders of payments and renewals.
  • Easily access and manage membership documents at any time by adding them to the system.
  • Track payments in installments and receive reminders according to these installments.


  • Track and manage your business contracts and never miss important deadlines.
  • Effectively and easily track all contracts that are critical for your business.
  • Thanks to Bilimp's user-friendly interface, you can organize the start and end dates of your contracts, important reminders and documents in one place.
  • Securely store your documents related to contracts.
  • Easily upload important documents related to contracts to the system so you can quickly access them whenever you need them.
  • Use categorization and tagging features to manage your contracts in a more organized way.


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